Prior to your appointment, the forms listed below can be printed for your convenience. Filling them out beforehand will save you time by not having to complete them during your appointment. If you elect not to fill out these forms ahead of time, please arrive 15 minutes prior to your scheduled time. (You may download Adobe Reader for free at
Attached please find the standard school entrance form. This form is for children entering Kindergarten, children starting school after being homeschooled, most daycares, and most preschools. This form has a page for the family to complete. The second page is the physical exam documentation. The last two pages are for immunization documentation.
This form is for middle and high school athletes. The child must have a physical after May 1st to be qualified for the next year. The first page is for parents to complete. The second page is the medical history page that must be completed by the parents and reviewed by the provider. The third page is the documentation of the physical exam and clearance. The fourth page is for the parent to complete with insurance information, medications, and clearance.
Please find the new patient Registration Form attached.
Monday – Friday
9am – 5:30pm
Selected Saturdays
(call the office for dates)